Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Kegel Exercise is the gym to strengthen pelvic muscles that are found by Dr. Kegel. Pelvic muscles or muscle PC (PuboCoccygeal Muscle) is a muscle that attaches the pelvic bone and act as the swing moves in the pelvic organs, namely the uterus, bladder bag, and intestines. When you hold and release urine, you are moving the pelvic muscles. Another way to learn is the pelvic muscles by inserting a clean finger into your vagina and squeeze. Muscles 'mencengkeram' finger You were pelvic muscles.

Kegel Exercise Benefits

Pregnancy, childbirth, obesity and severe coughing can be a burden for the pelvic muscles. If this policy weakened pelvic muscles, female pelvic organs will protrude through slipping and vagina. This condition is called uterine or vaginal prolapsis often make women's urine and bowel by mistake. Regular Kegel Exercise can prevent it. In addition, gymnastics Kegel is also beneficial for:
• Facilitate the delivery of the baby born without a lot of road ripping (with little or no 'sutures')
• Increase sexual satisfaction (because more powerful the 'power grip' vagina)
• Prevent ambein / hemorrhoids
• Prevent 'small bedwetting' when you sneeze and cough
• How to Do Kegel Exercise
Start by tightening your pelvic muscle for five seconds, kendurkan five seconds, then kencangkan again. Do it 10 times in a row, three times a day. You can do it while working in the office, watching TV or reading magazines. Focus on the pelvic muscles around the vagina and anus, do not get your stomach muscles, thighs or buttocks come interested. Bernafaslah as usual, do not hold your breath.

If you are familiar with the above training, firming and pengendoran do pelvic muscles as soon as possible 10 to 20 times in a row. Repeat up to 10 times a day. You can also try the 'elevator techniques. Kencangkan pelvic muscles, then gradually drop as the lift down from the fourth floor and stopped at every floor. Repeat up to 10 times a day.

When you do a Kegel gym on a regular basis, within 8 to 12 weeks you are able to feel the benefits. Do all your life, not boarding at the time of pregnancy. When Kegel diligently doing gymnastics from a young age, then in time your parents remain strong pelvic muscles. You will avoid make water, difficult to control his bladder and other problems are often caused by the elderly.


A total content in foods potentially lowering body resistance. As a result, the body's immune decline and illness attacked easily.One substance that functions as the body's immunity is glutathione, which produced human.

Similarly, the red thread glutathione hearing health seminar as Disease Prevention and Eradication, Sunday (17 / 9) in Centre for Nursing Studies, Health Science High School Aisyiah. Seminar organized by the Student Health Network Indonesia Region of Yogyakarta. Appear as a dietician from the RS speakers Panti Rapih Yogyakarta Dr. Chapman Hartono, and lecturer of Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sanata Dharma, Yosef Wijoyo.

Glutathione is produced naturally by the body. The higher the hazardous substances for the body, the greater the need for glutathione, glutathione up rates declined. In fact, high glutathione to be one indicator of the body's immune resistance.

Chapman Hartono, which highlights the impact of declining immunity in diabetes, says lifestyle and prevention of contamination of food is the main solution to prevent reduced immunity, including the prevention of diabetes.

A total content of the food necessary to Watch because they contain harmful bacteria or virus is formalin, acid chat, and some types of food coloring. Habit of storing food in plastic bags, especially the black should also be avoided because of the materials to make plastic is dangerous for the body. Of water containing microorganisms also need to Watch because there are bacteria that are dangerous for the body. Limited application should be applied to products that have been whitened or clarified, such as sugar, flour, and oil.

Conversely, foods rich in binding free radicals among other fruits and vegetables, sprouts, grass-umbian eaten with the skin, garlic, and fresh milk. These foods will increase body immunity. "As an antioxidant that works in the cells, dubbed as the master antioxidant glutathione or superantioksidan. Oxidant glutathione could be a master for a specific molecular, ie sulf Hydril Glutathione (GSH) will merge with another GSH during its H ions hijacked by free radicals, "said Chapman.

Wijoyo Yosef adds, heart disease prevention is an issue that fire made public at this time. As a result, the emergence of drug to boost the immune system to grow rapidly.



Healing Tips-Tips and How To Eliminate Acne Used. Acne is a problem faced by most young people today. Acne usually occurson the face is oily and lack of facial skin care. More - more ifjarawat until cause scars that make you less confident when meeting with friends or colleagues. Below this will be discussed on how to avoid the enemy tips the teens. Well for you who pinginskin smooth face with no acne or acne scars tongkronginperjelasan below:

In general, women should keep the skin from a variety of disorders. Actions that should be done is the following:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly before touching your face
  2. Perform facial skin cleansing in the morning and evening:Need to do at night - even if you did not makeup, because the face easily tainted by pollution. It should also be done in the morning, because your skin grease and dirt at night
  3. At night, take the time to massage the skin to stimulate the exchange of circulation cells in the skin. Massage gently for twominutes to eliminate fatigue, relaxing face and gives the skin brightness.
  4. Multiply drinking water.

For dry skin:

  • Give pleasure every time.
  • Change type of skin care products according to season,climate, and your lifestyle: air-conditioned environment, life in the open
  • Begin using anti-aging care products, as soon as signs of aging appear. This often happens faster for your skin type (primarily in the area around the eyes)
  • Avoid hot baths, it is better to use bath oil

For sensitive skin:

  • Warm-care products used in hand before you wear them. Donot rub skin care
  • We recommend using your fingers instead of cotton wool, clothor tissue.
  • Use water spray, do not wash with tap water.

For middle-aged skin:

  • Choose skin care products anti-aging depends on the conditions, needs and seasons.
  • Neck, eyes, and your hand can reduce the appearance of beauty, so they imbali with very special attention.
  • On every morning that makes it difficult, do not hesitate makeappropriate use of beauty products, which could soften the skin surface.
  • Frequent exposure to direct sunlight can cause wrinkles and blemishes in the skin.

For oily skin

  • Protect yourself from direct sunlight, and accumulation of fat in the skin of the face
  • Do not remove acne and facial beruntusan in supermarket
  • Perform maintenance on facial peels once to three times a week.

Internal Beauty Tips

  1. Drink plenty of water ... drinking .. drinking and drinking! Coke instead of water or flavored water such as coffee and tea, but hot water or mineral water! By drinking plenty of clean water can help remove toxins in the body, healthy skin and also helps burn calories. Easy is not it?.
  2. Exercise! Good for .. good for spiritual health! Walk around the house even one of these exercises and what is easy! Posted lazy ... last work for up to sleep, try to do some stretching exercises for launching the circulation back.
  3. Do not smoke. Smoking damages the skin and affect health.Everyone knows tu .. so why do I smoke?? Win lose weight? Thin because smoking just because we already diseased body, so kuruslah! If the org to choose between healthy and diseased .. I sure org more healthy, right??
  4. Sleeping enough ... Jgn kept awake at night ... not good tu.Right is reserved for night sleep? Not enough sleep will make you look older and black eyes.
  5. At the time, allow your skin a break from wearing any makeup.Skin also need to breathe! Posted sisa2 let the make-up sticks in the face when going to bed. Sure to regularly wash your face. My house .. no need for the sweep this ... clean enough for my facial
  6. I eat enough but not excessive. Posted because I thin you are willing to starve each hari.Cara cheese, eat when hungry and stop before full. Food provides energy and vitamins needed by the body but my-jelinglah glance your food. Make sure they are healthy and not a full menu of fat and junk food and fast food alone.
  7. Make time for pampering, such as making facial or washing hair salon, sauna and spa or just enjoy a bubble bath at home!Not necessarily at the salon .. you can also pamper themselves by making themselves at rumah.Jika hard .. looking for a variety of flowers and make my own scented flower bath. Interest is said to have its own energy for the beautification of the body.
  8. Avoid stress. Stress accelerate the aging process. Enjoy the soft music in the room to ease tensions.
  9. Do not Worry, Be Happy. Consider yourself a great and beautiful, sure you will look great! If we believe in ourselves, we shall certainly look beautiful!
  10. Laughter performers grief! So keep laughing when jokes with family or personal or interesting memoyokkan kawan2.Jangan sour face. You just add wrinkles on the face.


In everyday life we should always give priority to health of body and soul because it's delicious and healthy there is also a saying that a person will not value their own health when he was still healthy. Once the importance of health so that there are people who are willing to pay billions of dollars for her health when she was sick.

Tip The following are examples of activities that we can live in our daily life in the world. Activity or the activity into a healthy lifestyleapplication, namely:

  1. Avoidance / Stop Habit Of Stupid The Nauseating.

    Activities stupid for some people suspected / considered as an activity that cool, macho and slang is like smoking, drinking,using drugs / narcotics / other additive substances that causeaddiction.

    Just imagine if it has been subjected to any foolish activity abovethen one can spend a lot of money to buy opium, for futuremedical expenses, wasted too much time to buy and consumethese illicit goods.

    Using the disgusting stuff, of course, adds to our manifold sinsbecause of the impact / effect not only us who feel, but also otherssuch as parents, friends, family, girlfriends, and so forth.
  2. Do not Make Free Sex Outside Marriage.

    Sex is good for people in part. But it would be honorable andterpujinya if sex is done responsibly and with the blessing ofmany people. Most sex is trivialized for couples who are used todo so or for people who are easily aroused without a strong faith.

    Impacts resulting from premarital sex promiscuity is such as:
    a. pregnant out of wedlock and the man ran away fromresponsibility.
    b. exposed to infectious diseases such as AIDS which there is nocure.
    c. great sin to God.
    d. excluded from the association and the community.
    e. raided by the police / Securityman
    f. killed his own girlfriend, raped, etc..
    g. addicted to orgasms and evolve into a dangerous stage.
    h. beginning of activities stupid number 1 above.
    i. difficult when the going gets serious soul mate marriage.
    j. lie to parents, families, relatives, friends, etc..
    k. and many more due to the bad.

    The purpose of sex to get climax / orgasm much deified by manypeople who get lost and they will look for another victim to be taken and dragged into the black valley. If berhbungan with the opposite sex or same sex out of wedlock should not see it ifngesex delicious sides, but see the negative side very much. You will be disgusted to do it.
  3. Eat Healthy Food And Match Rules.

    Good food is not necessarily healthy. Many foods and drinks aredangerous and unhealthy when consumed. Examples include the use of borax and formaldehyde as a preservative of food andbeverages that should digonakan to preserve the corpse / corpse/ carcass.

    If the snacks do not carelessly. Buy food and drinks where it can be assured of cleanliness / hygiene food beverage. Be carefuland always be alert terhada whatever will we put in our mouthbecause it could have a drink or food that we buy and ready to eat has been mixed with hazardous toxic substances such as arsenic, barbiturates, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and beverages, and so forth. See also the cleanliness ofthe place as well as the selection of raw material processing andfood / beverage.

    Do not be easily tempted by ads on TV, radio, newspapers,magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the producers hadlied to get great benefits and cooperate with any government toshut up.

    Eat nutritious foods and beverages that are tailored to the body condition, activity and age we are. Eat before hungry and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget with four of five perfectly healthy that we often hear from time immemorial. Eat abalanced nutritional intake because of what we eat will representus in the future.
  4. Keeping Yourself And Environmental Hygiene Around Us.

    Own personal hygiene should be noted and well guarded as it is related / closely related to how we look at the general public.neatness and cleanliness of the body such as hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. can give the effecton overall body health. Avoid exchanging toiletries, primp, health,personal clothing with other people as possible can transmitdangerous diseases.

    Just imagine if someone can lead to acute toothache he did notenter the office for days because the pain is not unbearable.People who have a dirty appearance and the style will be shunned from daily life and will be difficult to make friends, girlfriends, marriage, work, trust and others.

    Keep the environment clean of waste and environmental diseases due to environmental disturbances can affect the health of our bodies. Garbage pile up and rot can remove bad odor /bad, the view that slum / dirty, flies flying sound, the sound ofcurses people who are around him, and so forth.

    Waste can also be a nest spreaders of diseases such asleptospirosis Disease rats spread through rat urine and typhoid /typhus. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds of plasmodiumthat can berkibat melaria and dengue fever in a person. flies that spread bacteria and viruses that cause gastrointestinal diseasessuch as beri-beri, dysentery, diarrhea, and so on.

    Pollution such as sewage and toilet household garbage, factory wastes, noise pollution, and other pollutants need to be resolvedswiftly and well coordinated among members of the community inan environment that produces results lingungan a good clean and comfortable.
  5. Exercise And Health check The Doctors The Periodic.

    Get regular exercise can stimulate the heart, breathing and bloodcirculation becomes better. Get used to exercise every day with a light activity such as walking, gymnastics, fitness, jogging, biking,or doing a full sports such as playing badminton, soccer,marathon running, tennis, basketball, and so forth.

    In addition there is another sport that is not as important asexercise of periodic health check regularly to the doctor. Order a medical examination is programmed so that a disease ordisorder that arises can be detected more quickly so that treatment would not take a lot of cost, time and effort.
  6. Avoid the Stress That Annoying With How To A Healthy And Legal.

    To avoid the stress necessary strategies to each individual. Look for the best way to relieve stress in your own way that is easy, can be done everywhere, cheap, healthy, kosher, and deliciousperformed. Examples of activities such as removal of stress isthat according to listening to music and pleasant personalngilangin the existing burden of thinking, playing video games,music playing music, sports, talk ama friend close friend, vent,non-gambling card maen, healthy dating, eat, do relationship of husband and wife / intimate with a legitimate partner, hanging out in the toilet, a trip to the mall, singing, playing small toys,gardening, fishing, shouted in a quiet place, sleep / bobo, and so forth.

    The point in your life is nyantai wrote with all the problems that exist. Why trouble (stress), it's hard to no avail. Your emotion is not to be evil and master yourself, because emotions becomeuncontrollable and sometimes resentment, hurt, and others thatlook stupid to others. There are issues / problems that can makeyou depressed wrote was cool, there's no job like laen only.

    Enough sleep, bonding with the Almighty God according toreligion and beliefs of each origin are not evil, and to implementhealthy lifestyle programs can prevent stress and depressionwhich, if it is severe and chronic mental disorders and could be amental illness that makes you taste depressed and ashamed ofthe people. Consult with a psychologist if you have mental problems or other people who you trust if you are shy. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from othersand change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul /mind you.


In everyday life we often hear, or even may have experienced the onset of the spots or skin bentolan gatalserta scattered over thesurface of the body, while setelahmengkonsumsi a type of food.Complaints or representations as itumerupakan one of the manymanifestations of allergic disease yangsering encountered.

Our body has an amazing series of defense mechanisms. This mechanism is designed to maintain our health. One suchmechanism is known as the immune system / immune. Briefly thework of the immune system such that when a foreign materialsuch as bacteria or viruses enter our bodies, the body's tissueswill identify specific proteins from foreign attackers and create an antidote (antidote substances) that will only kill specific proteinsearlier. Bidder for the defense chemicals produced by our bodiesare called antibodies. While the foreign protein to be attackedand dilumpuhkannya called antigens.

Defense system is clever and successful. The disadvantage isthe body must meet two foreign proteins (antigens) before the system can produce a defense against (an antibody). In other words, we should be attacked first before we can fight. For example, if exposed to the measles virus body will not be soproblematic, but the problem will become complicated / serious if the body is dealing with serious diseases such as smallpox ordiphtheria. Basically, they are safe from such dangerousinfections due to immune system / defense of their work quicklyand start producing antibodies in a short time. So, if the reactionof the body more slowly, those who are infected will be lessfortunate.
Dust, pollen, molds, foods and ingredients that basically no harmcan act as an antigen in certain people. These materials enter the body through the lungs or gastrointestinal tract and then breaks into the network, that is where they stimulate antibody formation.As a result of the meeting of antigens and antibodies thatdamage the tissue in question and cause symptoms / complaintsof allergies.

Not all people who develop allergies cause complaints if the amount of antigen is less than the threshold dose. Unless thedose is exceeded, then the body will reveal / allergy symptoms.This antigen may be a number of pollen brought enough wind to make a cold allergy, up to eat several servings of food for severaldays in a row before symptoms develop. Patients may not becured by avoiding a substance if there are some allergic factors.If someone is allergic to several ingredients at once, whereas only one type of abstinence and still eat the other, of course notbe cured.

Everyone can recognize when a food allergy reaction is rapid andsudden severe because the patient experienced a serious rashevery time-consuming material. But, if allergies are caused daily diet or occur several times a week, the body becomesaccustomed to suffer from the food and the reaction becomesvague.

Actually, for years or decades illness seemed to disappear,perhaps only occasional relapses when the accident took toomuch antigen or the presence of triggering factors such as stresswhich indirectly lowers endurance. Because symptoms are rarereactions occur, then the patient is difficult to determine the cause.
Since the immune system decreases, the body no longer able tocope with the disease process and symptoms of the diseasearises.
Form of the disease arising from one person to another is not the same person, depending on which body part is more severelyaffected.

Certainly a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a person as a whole. Symptoms will depend on the function of these organswhich can be stimulated or depressed. An allergy that attacks the eyes will cause red eyes and itchy; if attacked would runny noseor sneezing; when attacking the lungs to cause asthma or cough;if attacking the gastrointestinal tract causing abdominal pain,bloating, diarrhea or vomiting; attack joints can cause pain andstiffness; if it is attacked head can cause headache, if it affects the skin causing eczema, bentol-bentol/gatal-gatal, and so on.

Allergies can occur at all ages both in those who have talent or not allergy / nonalergik. In children the most common is asthmabronkiale. While the most common allergens in children arepollen, house dust, animal dander, animal saliva, and food.

Prevention tips and avoid the allergens:

  1. Keep always a healthy body and environment.
  2. Move the nest of dust such as knick-knacks, books, wall hangings, etc.
  3. If you are allergic to animal dander, do not let the furry animals into the room.
  4. Avoid using fabric made from wool or materials from feathers.
  5. Avoid plants or aquarium that causes mold spores in the air.
  6. Use electric air cleaner to clean dust, mold or pollen from the air.
  7. Replace carpets or heavy curtains that capture and store the dirt with washable curtains and rugs of cotton.
  8. If you are allergic to certain foods, avoid foods that cause allergens.

The traditional way that can be used to fight allergies are:

  • 15 grams of ginger + 30 cc of white vinegar rice / rice venegar + brown sugar to taste boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drink. Do it regularly once a day.

If an allergy attack, causing runny nose or sneezing can use the traditional way of the following:

  • 7 pieces of leaves continued life + 30 grams of fresh bitter boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
  • Aloe vera leaves taste peeled and juiced. Put aloe vera juice into the nose as much as 3 drops using a pipette.

Meanwhile, when an allergic attack the skin causing itching or eczema may be used:

  • Sambiloto fresh turmeric to taste + taste + sulfur taste fresh mashed until smooth, then smeared on the affected skin allergy.
  • Leaves ketepeng china taste fresh mashed then applied on the affected skin allergy.

If the allergy attacks the lungs causing asthma can use:

  • 10 + flowers knob 10-15 grams of ginger boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
  • 30 grams + 10 grams of gotu kola leaves of garlic boiled with 500 cc of water to the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.

You can use either the traditional way on top and do regularly 2 times a day, in boiling do recommend using enamel pan or pot soil.