Kegel Exercise is the gym to strengthen pelvic muscles that are found by Dr. Kegel. Pelvic muscles or muscle PC (PuboCoccygeal Muscle) is a muscle that attaches the pelvic bone and act as the swing moves in the pelvic organs, namely the uterus, bladder bag, and intestines. When you hold and release urine, you are moving the pelvic muscles. Another way to learn is the pelvic muscles by inserting a clean finger into your vagina and squeeze. Muscles 'mencengkeram' finger You were pelvic muscles.
Kegel Exercise Benefits
Pregnancy, childbirth, obesity and severe coughing can be a burden for the pelvic muscles. If this policy weakened pelvic muscles, female pelvic organs will protrude through slipping and vagina. This condition is called uterine or vaginal prolapsis often make women's urine and bowel by mistake. Regular Kegel Exercise can prevent it. In addition, gymnastics Kegel is also beneficial for:
• Facilitate the delivery of the baby born without a lot of road ripping (with little or no 'sutures')
• Increase sexual satisfaction (because more powerful the 'power grip' vagina)
• Prevent ambein / hemorrhoids
• Prevent 'small bedwetting' when you sneeze and cough
• How to Do Kegel Exercise
Start by tightening your pelvic muscle for five seconds, kendurkan five seconds, then kencangkan again. Do it 10 times in a row, three times a day. You can do it while working in the office, watching TV or reading magazines. Focus on the pelvic muscles around the vagina and anus, do not get your stomach muscles, thighs or buttocks come interested. Bernafaslah as usual, do not hold your breath.
If you are familiar with the above training, firming and pengendoran do pelvic muscles as soon as possible 10 to 20 times in a row. Repeat up to 10 times a day. You can also try the 'elevator techniques. Kencangkan pelvic muscles, then gradually drop as the lift down from the fourth floor and stopped at every floor. Repeat up to 10 times a day.
When you do a Kegel gym on a regular basis, within 8 to 12 weeks you are able to feel the benefits. Do all your life, not boarding at the time of pregnancy. When Kegel diligently doing gymnastics from a young age, then in time your parents remain strong pelvic muscles. You will avoid make water, difficult to control his bladder and other problems are often caused by the elderly.
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