Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Most women who become pregnant have signs of stretch on his belly commonly referred to as stretch marks. Typically, this occurs when stepping gestation week 28. Stretching may occur due to the presence of collagen, the elastic tissues that make up the skin. But, over time, stretching can cause collagen bonds broken, so that there arose stretch marks. In pregnant women, stretch marks can appear on the breasts, thighs, and buttocks (except in the abdomen). Many little stretch marks that arise, one of which is influenced by genetic factors (skin elasticity). Stretch marks, this will still be there after you give birth.

Streaks of brown belly and is located below the navel is called striae nigra After birth, this sketch will turn into striae alba (white).Streaks stomach this type is due to the increase in pigment and cause itching, especially in the abdomen. Although it feels itchy, should not be carded. Scratching will make the connective tissue injuries to the skin so it looks blackish stripes, it can even lead to infection. if the mother felt the itch, rub the itchy with a light movement. Can also by applying a moisturizing lotion that is safe for pregnancy. After delivery, this blackish stripes will fade and leave scars. To fix this, use vitamin E cream as recommended by your doctor.

To control the appearance of stretch marks that are not growing much, apply body lotion, olive oil, or baby oil all over the abdomen, inner thighs, lower buttocks, breasts and bottom. In addition to maintaining skin moisture and elasticity so, these materials will also relieve itching due to stretching.

After delivery, you can use a special cream to "soften" the appearance of stretch marks that do not like the skin of oranges (wrinkled). This cream did not eliminate stretch marks and make your skin smooth like conditions before pregnancy, but only to disguise it.

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