Monday, October 24, 2011


There are several steps you can do to eliminate or treat bad breath.

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits. Fruit contains a lot of fluids and fiberis good for digestion. Normal digestion will not issue anunpleasant scent through the throat. In addition, the fruit contains vitamin C which is hated by the bacteria, so bacteria in the oral cavity was reduced. Apples, celery, and carrots can be chewedimmediately after meals. fruits and vegetables and is believed toincrease the production of saliva so that the mouth remainsmoist.
  2. Chew cilantro, tarragon, and eucalyp-tus. This fresh crop can be presented in the form of drinks. Properties contained in these materials is very good for digestion. By eating these materials,you will receive two benefits at once, namely for digestion and as a dessert.
  3. Get used to eat yogurt. Research shows that eating yogurtevery day can reduce levels of bad breath odor. Yogurt contains high levels and bidrogensuifida mikrokospis organisms that canreduce the bacteria in the mouth, thus preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Mernbuat yogurt bacteria can not grow. But remember, choose a natural yogurt, do not that have been spiked with sugar or processed further.
  4. Chew gum without the sugar content. However, candy still can not replace the essential function of brushing teeth after everymeal. Chewing function only as a refreshing moment forbreathing. Chewing mint can also be used for temporary protection.

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