Monday, October 24, 2011


The only way to cope is to treat cavities, treating, and eventuallypatch it, and even then if you still might be patched.

Sometimes hidden cavities located, so it hardly visible, but has begun to cause complaints.
The more we treat dental caries late / loss, the longer thetreatment, the more time, effort and money wasted.

If the tooth that has been left to rot may affect the cavities, then thehealth of the body affects the other. There is a theory called FocalInfection, which can be briefly described as follows;

If there had rotted cavities and left without care or revoked, may(but not always) lead to abnormalities in other parts of our body,like the eye so disturbed, arthritis, heart abnormalities, kidney,and so forth.

Hives, including the possibilities that could happen. Besidesteeth of a dead / rotting makes bad breath odors.

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