Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Allegedly, constipation had a big hand in bringing some of thediseases of the body, such as fever, flu, weight gain, cellulite,excessive blood cholesterol levels, chronic lethargy, diseases /disorders of the skin, premenstrual syndrome, loss of sex drive,premature aging, tumors, disease -degenerative diseases, andso on. This can happen because of your body's waste heap.

The way to overcome constipation is a detoxification (detox).What is detox? Detoxification (detox) is the process of spendingtoxins or substances that are toxic from the body. Fasting is aneffective method of detoxification saiah. Cleansing and detox willincrease spending on the natural processes of the toxin in our body. Vital organs are being targeted in an effective toxiccleanup program is the large intestine (expenditure) and liver(detoxification).

Almost all degenerative diseases can be linked to toxic conditionin the intestinal tract (intestinal toxemia). Why? Because everytissue in the body to get food from the blood, and blood to get it from the intestines. Any substance that goes into our bodies will be absorbed into the blood through the intestinal walls. That is, the toxin in the gut will also be circulated with the flow of blood tocells throughout our bodies. These toxins are contributing the occurrence of various disease conditions of chronic, acute, anddegenerative.

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