Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When underarm hair shaved, it will usually rise to menim ¬ black scars on the skin. There are many traditional ways are safe to remove the blackish color on the underarm. Two of them are asfollows:

  1. Using lemon juice. The trick, mix the lemon juice has been squeezed with grated cucumber. Stir until smothly. Then, Put thedough in the armpits about 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  2. Using a mixture of water and lime whiting. Spread the mixture on your armpits after every shower. Let the water soak into the skin. Avoid using deodorant at the time. Do it for one to twoweeks. Rinse the armpits to clean in the bath, so that no residualpowder and deodorant is left behind.

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