Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Fungus is a prickly growth of phlegm. If the body was overgrown with fungus, let alone grow in the body that are often open, then itcertainly will eliminate most of your sense of confidence to theassociation.

  1. Preventing Phlegm.
    a. Bathing with antiseptic soap are made regularly, twice a day.This is to eliminate the sweat that every
        day out of the body. In addition to causing acid odor, perspiration will also increase the body's
        moisture. In these circumstances, phlegm will easily grow.
    b. Avoid using the clothing or towels are shared with other people, especially people that have
        problems with skin disease.Therefore, phlegm is an infectious disease that easily attaches toclothing.
  2. Treating Phlegm.
    a. Clean the affected body part phlegm.
    b. Apply with fungus repellent safe for humans and do for a fewdays.
    c. Some people treat phlegm in the traditional way, ie galangal torub the affected body parts such
        phlegm, 2 times daily for one week.
    d. If the phlegm has spread throughout the body, you shouldcontact your doctor.

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