Tuesday, October 25, 2011


What do you do when abdominal pain suddenly attacked?Perhaps the resentment that comes to follow this sick attack.Actually, many causes of abdominal pain, could be because youeat too fast, eating too much or eating spicy food, but it couldalso be a stress trigger abdominal pain. But do not worry, there are many drugs that you can choose to relieve abdominal pain.But if you are a fan of natural treatment, try to see a few that we recommend this.

  1. Ginger. Herbs one is believed to relieve stomach ache. If your stomach is wrapped around-wrap, you can drink ginger tea toease it.
  2. Chamomile tea can also be useful to relieve abdominal pain. It may be hard to get this tea, but now also been sold insupermarkets in the form of packaging.
  3. Yogurt can also help relieve abdominal pain. When bad bacteria attack and make your stomach sick, yogurt with good bacteria content can be overcome. Yogurt also works very well as a laxative (laxative) naturally.
  4. Peppermint is believed to help relieve abdominal pain. If available, you can dissolve peppermint oil in warm water anddrink it. If not, peppermint candy can also help a little.
  5. Drink water as much as possible. Water can help flush thebacteria out of the system and then remove these toxins from the body.
  6. Lie down and put your feet in the pile of pillows can also helprelieve abdominal pain. Close your eyes and inhale deeply, fillglass bottles with warm water and place it on your stomach whilelying down. This method is also fairly easy for abdominal paindue to menstruation.

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