Monday, October 24, 2011


These tips are very easy and maybe we paraktikkan far. Only, inthis description will show how the importance of social interactionin the lives of our health. One study showed a positivebahwainteraksi when arguing with each other and when thingscalm down, can enhance our immune function. In further analysisstates that if a person's health problems depends on the environment, the health impact lies in the extent of one's socialinteractions.

In that study also dilakuan comparison between someone whohas a social life was limited to family and co-workers interactingwith someone who is not only to family and co-workers, but also has relationships within a community or organization. From these studies it can be concluded that people who have a broaderrelationship, her immune system is stronger than in interactingwith people who are narrow. People who have a broaderrelationship shows that he has a sense of trust is higher. The confidence is what ultimately could help her to always feelcomfortable in dealing with each issue.

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