Monday, October 24, 2011


Every parent would want a healthy child who grew up in the midst of the family. Children are intelligent, diligent, and dutiful to parents is everyone's dream, because children are the hopes of parents. Parents expect their children to be children to be proud of. However, it is not easy to keep and care for children up to make our children as healthy children. There are some things we need to know that our children can be a healthy child.

The first thing we need to know the characteristics of healthy children. In this case we must know the signs of our children physically and psychologically. A healthy child is a child that is responsive to the surrounding. Experts say that we must accustom ourselves to speak to a child with a direct look at his eyes. Thus we will study the response of the child, whether the child is lethargic or feel excited about what we are talking about.Next is the hair on the child's condition. Does your child's hair is not dull or whether not easily fall out? It's also a sign that our children are healthy children. The hair is clean, beautiful with brilliant color is characteristic of a healthy child. It's good we always maintain the cleanliness and nutrition to the scalp hair of children with vitamin B complex and minerals.

Next is a baby tooth. Note the condition and color of baby teeth.Gigianak healthy teeth with good growth and brilliant color.Routine maintenance every six months is better applied to maintain and look good dental growth and development. Also note the color of the gums of the child. A good gum color is pink.If the gums bleed easily it means your child has a deficiency of vitamin C. By keeping the teeth clean and gums will be protected from bad breath.

Skin health is also a characteristic of a healthy child. Healthy skin is clean skin and wounds heal faster when it occurs. A healthy skin condition will help speed wound healing. Nail hygiene is also a characteristic of a healthy child. Healthy nails are strong nails and pink. This indicates that the child is not infected with anemia and calcium deficiency. Body temperature is another factor that little fellow is also a sign of a healthy child. Body temperature should be around 36.5 to 37.5 degrees celsius. Style of eating that little fellow is also a sign of child health. Greedily ate little one signifies no appetite disturbance. Enough sleep and sleep is another hallmark of a healthy child. A healthy digestive CHAPTER smoothly also means in a healthy child. Well, if your child has included a healthy child?

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