When chest pain, many people immediately think about a heart attack. These complaints are often marked symptoms of heart disease. It turned out that many types of diseases is oneindication of chest pain, including lung cancer, breast cancer and increased gastric acid.
Not all chest pain comes from a disturbance in the heart organ.However, chest pain is a typical symptom of heart disease. Chest pain due to heart problems caused by the imbalance betweendemand and supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.
Imbalance could be due to increased oxygen demand or supply is too low, it could be a combination of both. In patients withnarrowing of the coronary arteries (blood vessels that supply thefood), automated blood drainage is limited.
If the patient requires an excess of oxygen consumption, such aswhen exercising or when faced with stressful situations, such as anger, one might expect the onset of symptoms of angina or chest pain. These symptoms may get worse when blood vesselsaccompanied by cramps commonly referred to spasm.
Can End Up Fatal
Sensation of chest pain from coronary heart disease can vary.Usually a heavy load feel downtrodden, a sense of grip, nauseaor feel sick, burning sensation burning, or choking feeling in the neck.
Parts of the body have been complaints that could be in themiddle of the chest, solar plexus, and between the shoulder blades, with propagation to the left arm, neck and jaw. These symptoms occur when the patient initially perform strenuousphysical activity.
Complaints will usually disappear after the patient rested.However, if the disease is allowed to grow blood vessels, the complaint will also appear at the break.
Increased severity of illness make chest pain lasts longer and can be accompanied by cold sweats, anxiety, cold hands and feet,seizures and even decreased consciousness. If you do not get immediate medical help, the case could end up fatal.
The death rate for cardiogenic shock was more than 95 percent.Even if patients were helped, often experience residual symptoms of neurological disorders or renal failure.
More Early Tests
At the hospital, patients with chest pain will undergo a physicalexamination, laboratory and x-rays. If needed also performedelectrocardiography and echocardiography. Having ascertainedthe narrowing of coronary arteries will be performed angiography.
As of early detection efforts, it is recommended that those aged35 years began to undergo exercise test (treadmill) every year. If you have high risk factors such as smoking, diabetes mellitus,dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipid profiles), high blood pressure, family history, should do the test again at a younger age.
Can also be selected examination combination ofechocardiography and exercise test test called stress echocardiography. This method can visualize the heart wallsegments that allegedly impaired oxygen supply.
Examination is relatively new Magnetic Resonance Angiography(MRA). To find the area where the heart is impaired blood supplycan be carried out checks with the radio isotope thallium orTechnicium. Invasive techniques such as catheterization is almost 100 percent sensitivity, but should be done only when a more positive indication of having CHD.
The Main Complaint
Chest pain is also closely linked to lung disease and respiratory tract. For example, pulmonary TB (tuberculosis), bronchitis,pneumonia, bronchial asthma, lung fungus, chronic obstructivepulmonary disease, lung disease work, and lung cancer. Chest pain, cough, and shortness of breath merupakam main complaintpeople with chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer.
Pimples, boils and bruises on the chest can also cause chest pain. Herpes zoster cause chest pain that is very ill, though not yet occurred in skin disorders.
Stimulation or pressure in the parietal pleura (lining of the chestcavity also cause chest pain. Irritation of the bronchi caused bysmoke, dust, and chemicals are also often lead to complaints ofheartburn.
Smoking contributes to the occurrence of very large chronicrespiratory disease and lung cancer. It is known that inside there are 63 components of cigarette smoke that are carcinogenic orcancer causing substances.
Chest pain was also a typical symptom of an increase in stomach acid and other stomach acid into tonggorokan. Disorder is commonly called gastroesophageal reflux disease (PRGE).Patients with chest pain due to PRGE actually quite a lot.However, many people are more likely to think about heart andlung disorders, when experiencing chest pain.
A study in Orlando, United States, in 1995 found that PRGEoccurs in 40 percent of the adult population. The incidence was increased in the age group over 40 years and is more common in men.
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