Antibiotics are certainly not something alien. However, howantibiotics should be used, not everyone knows.
- What was the benefit of antibiotics?
Antibiotics are chemical compounds that are made to fightgerms, especially bacteria. There are various types of germs, nogerms are large, some small, with properties that vary as well.
Germs tend to nest in certain organs in the body of the host.Some like the brain, the lungs, the intestines, nerves, kidneys, stomach, skin, or throat, and others. In the organs where it'sbreeding, certain bacteria cause infection. Typhoid germs in the intestines causing typhoid, TB germs in the lungs, but can also inbone, kidney, brain, and skin. Germs in the nerves and skinleprosy, diphtheria germs in the throat, tetanus in the nerves, and more.
Initially, it was discovered penicillin type antibiotics, and sulfa,which is used to treat all infectious diseases. Now, had dozens and dozens of antibiotics has been found, both from the same family, as well as from newer types. Each antibiotic has its ownability to fight germs. That's because, every clump of bacteriahave antidotes specific individual. However, most antibiotics arecompletely impervious or broadspectrum. That is, all the germscan destroy it.
In addition, there is also a type of antibiotic use is a narrow, specific only to certain germs. For example, antibiotics for TB germs (mycobacterium tuberculosis), for leprosy or leprosy(mycobaterium leprae), or for typhoid (salmonella tyhphi).
- When antibiotics are used?
Antibiotics are used if there is an infection by germs. Infection occurs when bacteria enter the body. Germs enter the bodythrough its own entrance door. There are by mouth with food anddrink, breathe air into lungs, through microscopic wounds in the skin, through sexual intercourse, or enter through the bloodstream, then the germs into the organ that likes to nest.
Common symptoms are usually accompanied by infected bodytemperature rises, fever, headache, and pain. Infection in the skincausing red inflamed reaction, swelling, heat, and pain.Examples ulcers. In the intestine, symptomatic heartburn, diarrhea. In the airways, coughing, sore throat, or shortness ofbreath. In the brain, headache. In the kidney, many of urination,urine red or like milk.
However, symptoms of body temperature rises, fever, headache,and pain, can also not caused by germs, but infection by virusesor parasites. Of the complaints, symptoms and signs, the doctor can identify whether an infection caused by germs, viruses, orparasites.
Diseases caused by bacteria not treated with antibiotics did not work. For the virus were given antiviral, and to be given antinyaparasites, such as antimalarial, antifungal, and anticacing. If the infection by specific types of germs, doctors usually giveantibiotics immediately in accordance with the infecting organism. For example boils on the skin, tetanus, diphtheria,typhoid, or red eye infection.
To infection is doubtful, special inspection is required to ensure the type of infecting organism. You do this by doing culture (the culture) germs. Biakannya material taken from blood or saliva,sputum, urine, stool, cerebrospinal fluid, pus genitals, or skinscrapings.
With cultured bacteria, in addition to find the type of bacteria, can be directly examined also the type of antibiotics are suitable toput it down (resistance test). Thus, treatment of the infection ismore appropriate. If not performed resistance tests, could beconsidered capable of antibiotics has no effect, because thebacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics that are considered potent type it.
- Why are more and more bacteria are antibiotic resistant?
Use of antibiotics in developing countries often tend to behaphazard and uncontrolled. Antibiotics that can be bought freely,usage ignorance, and not used up completely, causing the generation of germs that become immune (resistant) to antibiotics that are used inappropriately and gratuitous. The use of antibiotics that are not spent, or make it up half a recipe, for example.
The more frequent and much abused an antibiotic, the faster thegerms that cause immune ditumpasnya usual. Use of antibioticclass erythromycine the most numerous and widely used in thedecade of the 80s, a growing number of germs that gave birth togenerations of immunity. Then, created a new generation of the same family. Every few years, was born a new type of generationantibiotics to eradicate the kind of germs that are immune. Sure,the price is more expensive.
- What are the side effects of antibiotics?
Like most drugs, antibiotics also have side effects respectively. There is a bad effect on the kidneys, liver, some are disturbing the balance of the body. Doctors know what the side effects an antibiotic, so it is not given to any patient. Patients with liver disorders, for example, should not be given antibiotics that damage the liver side effects, though powerful decontaminate patients who are suffering. Doctors need to choose other antibiotics, may be less potent, but no effect on the liver
However, if an antibiotic is not no replacement, antibiotics are stillused, with notes, the danger of side effects in a patient requiresmonitoring by a physician, if used for long periods of time.Antibiotics for tuberculosis, for example, who drink at least 6months, need periodic liver function tests, so if it damages the liver, the drug considered to be replaced.
- What is the danger of overuse of antibiotics?
The use of antibiotics that are too often not recommended. In our country, people are free to buy antibiotics and wear them when deemed necessary. A little cough and cold, direct drinking antibiotics. Once a new diarrhea, antibiotics immediately. Though not necessarily need. Why?
Not necessarily the cough is caused by germs. Initially by the virus. If the condition of strong body, generally self-limiting viral disease. That needs to be done on the diseases caused by viruses is strengthen the immune system with enough to eat, rest, and nutritious food. Giving antibiotics in coughs colds are caused by a virus just a waste and harm the body, because the bear side effects of antibiotics that did not have to happen.
The case of cough and cold virus that has long, which is usually ridden by germs, requiring new antibiotics to eradicate the bacteria, not for her flu virus. Sign of cough and cold needs antibiotics is to look at his nose. That had been turned into a watery clear viscous yellow-green. During his nose was thin nodes, antibiotics are not needed.
Drinking antibiotics too often also disturb the balance of intestinal flora. We know, in the normal gut bacteria to grow which helps digestion and the formation of vitamin K. In addition, in certain parts of our body are also living germs benign peaceful coexistence with our bodies. In the female genitalia, in the skin, mouth, and everywhere there are body parts that do not interfere with germs but beneficial (symbiotic).
Too often take antibiotics meant to kill all the germs that are beneficial to the body tame. If the population is beneficial in benign germ eradicated for the body, the body's balance of microorganisms can be disrupted, so that the fungus that had been frightened by the germs in our body the opportunity to more easily attack.
That is, many people who after taking antibiotics is too long, then attacked by fungal diseases. Can fungi in skin, intestine, thrush in the mouth, or anywhere else. Fungus causes vaginal discharge in women, among others because of vaginal antisepsis too clean by killing beneficial bacteria in the vagina (Doderlein).
- How long should the consumption of antibiotics?
Long use of antibiotics varies, depending on the type of infectionand infecting organism. At least 4-5 days. However, if the infection is still not finished, antibiotics should be continued untilthe complaints and symptoms disappear. In typhoid, took a few weeks. Similarly, on diphtheria, tetanus. Boards old ontuberculosis which took many months. Included in leprosy.
In certain infections, the use of antibiotics after an exam,necessary to culture the bacteria re-examination to ascertain whether the bacteria are eradicated completely. Urinary tractinfections, for example, after the completion of one examantibiotics and complaint symptoms are gone, the bacteriaculture done to see what in the kidney remaining germs. If theremaining germs and antibiotic was discontinued, the infectiondisease will recur again.
Included in dental infections. Toothache is usually caused bybacteria that enters through the gums and jaw bone is perforatedor porous teeth. In such circumstances, swollen gums and toothpain. Antibiotics are given until the missing tooth pain. Ifantibiotics are taken only a day or two, the bacteria in the gumsdo not die all, so the gum infection and tooth pain will recur again.
- Why can not antibiotics work?
Antibiotics are not effective because of two things. Most often,the disease-causing germs have developed resistance to theseantibiotics. For it is necessary to find other types of antibioticsare more sensitive. Resistance tests are usually necessary to findthe right type of antibiotic.
The second test was not done because the first resistance and directly administered antibiotics at random, so the possibility ofchoice antibiotikanya inappropriate for this type of germs that cause illness. Antibiotic is not effective against the infecting organism.
We know there are types of gram-negative bacteria. For that we need antibiotics for this type of germ that. If given antibiotics forgram-positive bacteria species, certainly does not work, because the antibiotic is misdirected. Or it could be because the infection is not caused by germs, but by viruses or parasites. Mushroomsare not immune to skin ointment or cream antibiotics, for example.
- What does it mean antibiotics are hard?
This means that unnecessary antibiotic from a new generation, ifthe classical antibiotics (penicillin group) is still working.However, for mild infections (flu), the latest generation are oftengiven antibiotics. In addition to much more expensive, the body was taking side effects are usually more severe. The more potentantibiotics, usually the harder the same side effects. Kill the fliesno need to use arrows, simply tap on. Similarly, for the infectionlightly. If possible, do not hurry using antibiotics. Our body has theantibodies. Each seedling disease, whatever its kind, whichenters the body, shall be destroyed by the immune system itself.The new body succumbs if seedling disease is very virulent,polynomial, and the immune system is weak.
Not every time you entered germs, your body will fall sick. If the immune system primed, germs which have entered the body willfail to infect, and we are off sick. New infections generally occur when the body is weak. For that, need the help of an anti-sentfrom the outside. Anti submissions from outside that is played byantibiotics.
- Why people can faint after drinking or injected antibiotics?
Occasionally, after a drink or injected antibiotics may faint.Certain people are allergic talented, are not generally resistant topenicillin group of antibiotics, either injected or taken orally. A fewminutes to several hours after an allergic reaction appear. Tasteis thick and itching on the lips, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, andfainting. If mild itching just like biduran. The reaction can causesevere blistering skin reactions, ulcerous-boils (Stevens-Johnsonsyndrome).
For those who are gifted allergies, need to be tested first beforepenicillin group received an injection of antibiotics. If positive, do not be granted. Or if ever there is a history of itching after drinkingor injected antibiotics, make notes, so next time can alert your doctor if you can not stand these antibitioka. Now an allergic reaction to antibiotics is rare, because there are many choices of antibiotics that are superior to penicillin without risk of allergies.
- Are all the antibiotics just to be drunk?
No. In addition in the form of oral medication (oral), there is alsoin the form of injection (parenteral), ointments, creams,suppositories (inserted into the anal canal or vagina), lotions, anddrops. Skin infections using an antibiotic ointment or cream,wearing a red eye infection eye drops or ointment, middle earinfections using antibiotic ear drops, antibiotics used white bullet-shaped bacteria that is inserted into the vagina (for those whoare married, not for who was a girl).
Antibiotics streptomycine, garamycine, only in the form ofinjections, are not available in the form of tablets or capsules. In contrast, most antibiotics are taken is not necessarily exist in the form of injections. But, there is also a good antibiotic in the form of injections or a drink.
Sprinkle antibiotic powder on the sore tooth cavity as is the custom while the person or the injury, not too precise. Effect of antibiotic penetration into the infected gum tissue is not as good as if drunk, or it could absorb the optimal as antibiotics that have been in the form of an ointment or cream if it is to be used on the skin.
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