Saturday, October 22, 2011


The pain is caused by contractions of the uterus or uterine muscle ischemia and the release of the uterine wall due to an increase in prostaglandin. In addition, menstrual pain is also due to hormonal factors, psychological, and even excessive anxiety. Here are some tips that can help you to cope with the pain.

  1. Compressed part of the perceived pain using a bottle filled with water dengati hangar.
  2. Rub gently rub the abdomen or waist.
  3. Drink warm beverages that contain high calcium.
  4. Take a deep breath in slowly for relaxation.
  5. Take a position so that the uterus menungging ¬ tung hung down. It can help relaxation.
  6. If you choose to use pain medication as a neutralizer, then use drugs with a doctor's supervision. It may take an analgesic (pain reliever) that are sold in drug stores, provided the dose is not more than 3 times a day.
  7. Water bath hangar, may also use aromatherapy to calm down.
  8. Temperature heat is an old herb that's worth a try. Use heating (heating pad), compress towel, or hot water bottle, in the abdomen and lower back, and drink warm drinks. Warm bath may also help relieve pain.
  9. Sleep enough and regular exercise (including many roads).Beberapawanita can reduce pain by exercising. In addition to reducing stress, exercise can also increase production of brain endorphins, natural pain in the body. There are no restrictions on sporting activities during menstruation.
  10. In the case of very rare and extreme, sometimes required excision of the nerves of the uterus.
  11. An alternative therapy, namely visualization, can help reduce menstrual pain.
  12. In addition, aroma therapy and massage can also reduce the discomfort. Light and circular massage using the index finger on the lower abdomen will help reduce menstrual pain. Listening to music, reading books or watching movies can also help you to have pain during menstruation.

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