Saturday, October 22, 2011


At the time of itchy ears, usually we immediately conclude thatthere is dirt inside the ear and must be cleaned. However,according to the doctors experts Ear, Nose and Throat, the actualarea of the ear should not be cleaned, even though it itches. Indalarn ear fluid was found that often we call dirt. The fluid isproduced by the ear to clean and sterilize dirt that enter the ear,such as dust. so, we do not have to clean it. The ear is able to clean itself.

Remember that any objects that we use to clean the ear,including cotton bud, it was not safe for the organs that exist inyour ear. Organs are composed of cells that are soft so easilyinjured by objects harder. Therefore, more doctors recommend to clean the outside of the ear only. then only by using a cloth moistened with warm water.

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