Tuesday, October 25, 2011


A pregnant woman must be considered with special health.Below are some health tips for pregnant women.

  • Eat 1-2 dishes more nutritious foods in a day, especially if you are underweight, the consumption of vegetables and fruits was the side dishes, red meat, chicken, eggs, fish, peas, and beansevery day.
  • Check your pregnancy on a regular basis kebidan or other health workers.
  • Receive 2 times TT injections during pregnancy.
  • Using iodized salt every time you eat this for youkesehatanjanin.
  • Keep doing daily activities and exercise regularly, but you alsodo not be too tired

But sometimes required additional food, even supplements as needed. Here are some of the food requirements for the health ofpregnant women:

  1. Provide enough energy (calories) to the health needs ofpregnant women and infant growth.
  2. Provides all the needs of mothers and infants (includingproteins, fats, vitamins, minerals)
  3. Dapay avoid negative effects for the baby.
  4. Support the mother's body metabolism in maintaining a healthy weight, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure.

Eat foods and beverages that contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A,Calcium, Zinc Substances (Zinc), Iron, Folate (Folic Acid),Protein, and Calories (energy).

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