Monday, October 24, 2011


Communities need to be aware of the importance ofenvironmental health is good if you want to create a healthy and happy community. If they are able to maintain both the environment with responsibility, the emergence of manydiseases, which are generally due to the dirty environment, can be avoided. When performing the process of initiation of the introduction of environmental health, dibutukan awareness of all elements of society so that the objectives of the creation ofoverall health can be felt by all parties who will benefit from the environmental health can also benefit the whole community.Strong commitment from within each person in one environmentinto the process which needs to be built. Without the agreementand commitment, it is impossible considering the health of the environment can be created if one is not kept clean environment,then this will affect other areas of poor hygiene.

The creation of healthy communities that will become self-sufficient and capable of its own expectations as theysuccessfully apply lingkungandengan good health. If society ishealthy, then this will create a generation of financiallyindependent primarily due to a healthy mind and body will certainly provide its own spirit and a sense of focus for those inwork. They will not be burdened to see the doctor so that theconcentration of work will increase. When they were financially independent, then they are enabled to actualize themselves in the life of each.

As you move the community to realize the importance of hygiene for life, they need to see concrete examples of government programs in support of environmental health is also a form of government support to keep people focused on creating a better environment. Implementation of some activities to raise awareness in the community to keep its environment clean can be done with a cleaning program that allows mass in the area where the gathering of diseases such as landfills end, streams, culverts, to house each resident may realize the awakening community of lovers of cleanliness .

Within the program, the government needs to support in providing equipment or provides everything involved in supporting community efforts on the health of the environment so that communication can be established and the synergies between community and government. Related parties such as the health department also has a significant contribution in monitoring and providing guidance to the community to create environmental health. They should periodically conduct socialization to people about what health problems may be encountered at this time in an environment, so that people can donate kounitas solution so what is the common goal can be realized. Community contribution is strongly needed in this case because they are very understanding of the condition and their environment.

Providing training for hygiene efforts can also be held by the health department so that communities are able to provide at least the first attempt in inhibiting the spread of disease in an environment. Make sure the community is also willing to be active and participative problem communicating what is happening in the environment related to health so that the coordination between the health of the community in maintaining a healthy environment remains well maintained.

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